English for children

Courses for toddlers and children

English Key® is a Mexican institution with 16 years' experience in the teaching of the English language aimed to personal growth and academic and professional recognition. English Key® offers you the best courses and services in the area.

Courses for toddlers and children are designed so that they learn in a natural and attractive way in accordance to age and growth. Courses are 30 hours and are supplemented every 8 weeks. Progress is made with a total of 5 modules per year.

These courses provide toddlers with an environment fit to age, with the dynamics and focus to help them include new expressions, ideas, vocabulary and structures in their daily language and to recognise situations where English is useful and necessary for their environment.
Our professors are trained in different international methodology and hold proficiency certifications of the English language, which allows them to conduct appropriate activities in accordance with age, interests and characteristics of children.

Our professors have different international methodology and proficiency certifications of the English language, allowing them to carry out appropriate activities in accordance to age, interests and characteristics of children.

At the end of this cycle, children will have developed their basic linguistic skills, such as:

  • Scanning a reading to understand the general idea and identify specific information.
  • Children may maintain an open discussion about what they like, dislike, their experiences present and past, and writing and conveying clear messages.

Our commitment is to promote the learning process of your children with the best methodology and the best professors, so that they learn the language in an efficient way.

At the end of the academic syllabus, your children will earn international certification with a high curricular value.

Their studies and recognitions are the best legacy you can give them for their future.

Our added values

A wide range of educational services with the highest quality standards.

Well-structured courses

With our teaching system, we guarantee depth of learning and speed as required

Friendly learning system

Modern teaching methodology, with the best supporting materials

Experienced and qualified teachers

Personnel certified by the best universities and organisations

Other courses we offer

for young learners

Ages 11 to 15 years

for adults

Ages 16 years and older

for companies

Continuous training


With official recognition


With oficial recognition